Alliance Power

Alliance Power

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Get to Know Alliance Power Company

  • Headquarters: Wichita Falls, Texas
  • Founded: 2003
  • Markets served: Texas

Alliance Power Company is a retail electric provider in Texas that serves residential and commercial customers.

Explore Alliance energy plans

Residential customers in Texas can choose from month-to-month or fixed-rate Alliance energy plans depending on their location. Month-to-month plans can offer flexibility for consumers who aren’t sure how long they will be in their service area. However, month-to-month plan users might notice an increased bill amount during months with larger market demands. With fixed-rate supply plans, consumers can secure a rate that will last during their whole contract and will protect them from price increases. Also, customers can keep the same rates throughout the year. Before choosing an Alliance energy plan, think about what you want to find in your supply plan.

Learn about commercial supply plans from Alliance Power Company

Business owners in Texas have to choose which provider supplies the energy for their company. Alliance Power Company offers customized business supply plans for small and medium sized businesses, shopping centers, churches, government buildings and more. Business owners may spend too much money on electricity if they don’t do research and find the best energy plan. To find out if a business supply plan from Alliance is right for you, a custom quote can provide an idea of what the plan will provide for your organization.

What to do in case of a power outage

Business owners in Texas have to choose which provider supplies the energy for their company. Alliance Power Company offers customized business supply plans for small and medium sized businesses, shopping centers, churches, government buildings and more. Business owners may spend too much money on electricity if they don’t do research and find the best energy plan. To find out if a business supply plan from Alliance is right for you, a custom quote can provide an idea of what the plan will provide for your organization.

Consider your customer service

Texas residents may be considering switching providers based on poor customer service experiences they’ve had in the past. Alliance has energy representatives who are trained to answer questions about supply plans. According to its website, Alliance desires to provide the highest level of customer care possible.

Understanding deregulation in Texas

Residents have so many options for Texas energy companies thanks to a Texas law that deregulated electricity. Consumers have the power to choose which company supplies their energy. Each company offers different supply rates and plans, so it is up to consumers to research supply plans and find the best option.

Updated 10-8-19

Ready to shop for an energy plan? Let’s get you taken care of. Call: 1 (855) 209-8145

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