NRG Energy

Written by Caitlin Ritchie/

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NRG Energy generates and sells retail power

NRG Energy is one of the largest and most trusted energy companies in the U.S. As an energy provider and power generator, NRG Energy and its affiliates supply electricity and natural to more than 3 million homes and businesses across the country. The company prides itself on its digital technology and management tools that help evolve the energy industry to become smarter, more sustainable and more reliable.

Company headquarters are in Houston and in Princeton, NJ.

What are the NRG Energy brands, and how are they different?

NRG has four major brands in Texas – Reliant Energy, Cirro Energy, Green Mountain Energy, and Discount Power. Why? Because each offers special benefits to customers. Check out the NRG brands:

  • Reliant Energy.Texans know Reliant, Texans trust Reliant. More than 1.5 million Texas residential and business energy customers depend on Reliant Energy for power. Based in Houston, the company enjoys a reputation for innovative plans, real-time usage tracking, and special offers. Plus, Reliant Energy is dedicated to giving back to the community at large.
  • Cirro Energy. Based in Richardson, TX, Cirro Energy offers short and long-term plans, fixed rates, and additional features such as surge protection and electric line protection. But there’s more to Cirro Energy than that. The company calls its process “Electricity made easy” – easy for you, the customer.
  • Green Mountain Energy. Green Mountain, also based in Houston, lives up to its name, offering 100 percent renewable energy plans at competitive prices. The company wears its dedication to the planet on its sleeves – with a Green Mountain Energy plan, customers have avoided more than 76 billion pounds of carbon dioxide.
  • Discount Power. No gimmicks, no hidden fees, no surprises. Discount Power, also based in Houston, offers Texans affordable plans with terms of up to three years. It includes customers of what was formerly known as Pennywise Power.

What parts of Texas are served by NRG brands?

Corpus ChristiHouston
Fort WorthPlano

Shop electricity rates from the NRG brands with

Regardless of which NRG brand customers choose, one thing remains constant: All offer excellent customer service, great prices, and tons of extra value.’s marketplace – the largest online energy marketplace in Texas – makes the signup process quick and easy.

  • Step 1: Enter your ZIP above and view plans in your area.
  • Step 2: Find a plan you like – then sign up by phone or online in only minutes.
  • Step 3: Enjoy electricity on your terms!

If you have questions about which plan is the right for you, give our expert energy professionals a call at the number above. If you’re a veteran energy shopper and are confident in your choice, simply sign up online. Either way, the process takes only minutes.

Enter your ZIP code above to see what rates are available in your area from the NRG brands.

Updated: 10-9-19

Ready to shop for an energy plan? Let’s get you taken care of. Call: 1 (855) 209-8145

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