Texpo Energy

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Learn more about Texpo Energy

Headquartered in Houston, TX, Texpo Energy aims to provide high-quality energy plans at affordable rates to energy consumers across Texas. Texpo offers a variety of plans, including fixed-rate, variable-rate and green energy plans.

As a retail energy provider (REP), Texpo purchases electricity on the open market and offers that electricity to customers at a competitive rate. Texpo customers can pay their energy bill on the customer portal or sign up for AutoPay to ensure they are never late paying a bill.

Ready to learn more about available energy plans in your area? Enter your ZIP code above to compare today’s low rates or call the number on your screen to speak with an energy expert.

Learn more about Texpo Energy and energy choice

In 2002, the Texas energy market became deregulated, giving the majority of Texans the power to choose their energy provider. Before deregulation, local transmission and distribution service providers handled all aspects of electricity – from generation to delivery. Now, consumers can choose the right energy plan from a pool of providers.

Why choose Texpo Energy?

Texpo Energy relies on professional customer service and is accredited with the Better Business Bureau. This energy provider was also awarded the highest rating by the Texas Public Utilities Commission.

To learn more, enter your ZIP code above or call the number on your screen to have your questions answered by an energy expert!

Sign up for an energy plan with SaveOnEnergy.com

As the largest online energy marketplace in Texas, SaveOnEnergy.com® will help you find a great energy plan that fits your budget, usage and needs. Not sure which plan is right for you? Call the number above to speak to one of our energy experts.

Step 1: Enter your ZIP code above to view today’s low energy rates from numerous providers.

Step 2: Select a plan and sign up over the phone or online in just minutes.

Step 3: Enjoy reliable energy at an affordable price!

Contact Texpo Energy customer care

To contact a Texpo Energy customer care representative, call 713-358-8510 or 877-839-7657. You can also email customer service at customer.care@texpoenergy.com.

Updated 10-9-19

Ready to shop for an energy plan? Let’s get you taken care of. Call: 1 (855) 209-8145

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