Valley Energy

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Learn About Valley Energy

Formerly NUI Valley Cities Gas, Valley Energy began its utility services in 1944. The utility company functions as a subsidiary of C&T Enterprises and changed its name to Valley Energy in 2002 following the expansion of its territory. Today, Valley Energy services 11 communities between Pennsylvania and New York – including Bradford County in Pennsylvania and Chemung County in New York. These 8,000 customers can enjoy their natural gas service delivered to their homes or businesses.

Understand your power to switch

Following the Natural Gas Choice and Competition Act of 1999, Pennsylvania residents gained the ability to shop for natural gas suppliers for their home or business. These natural gas suppliers may offer locals various benefits, such as customer service, competitive pricing or different plan offerings.

Guidelines for natural gas suppliers are managed by the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (PUC) through PA Gas Switch. Alternative natural gas suppliers must meet PUC requirements for doing business in order to be available to Pennsylvania customers – ensuring residents receive natural gas supply from reliable suppliers.

Contact Valley Energy if you suspect a gas leak

Your natural gas supplier may be able to offer you attractive benefits, but they will not be able to restore or manage your natural gas service in the event of an emergency. If you smell gas, leave the premises immediately and contact your local utility company from a safe distance.

Community involvement:Click here

Updated: 5-6-20.

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