Wellsboro Electric

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Learn About Wellsboro Electric

Since 1984, the Wellsboro Electric Company has served the Wellsboro, Pennsylvania community with the distribution and supply of electricity. The utility’s service area covers 178 square miles of Tioga County, and the power lines maintained by Wellsboro Electric total 570 miles, running both above and below ground. Through this transmission system, the company provides power for more than 6,200 residential, commercial and industrial customers.

Compare Wellsboro Electric supply rates with suppliers

If you live or own a business in Pennsylvania, you have the freedom to choose your power supply for your residential or commercial space. Because of this power to switch, you’re free to purchase energy from either a retail supplier or from your local utility, such as Wellsboro Electric Company.

Thanks to the PA Power Switch program, there are many retail suppliers in your area to choose from. Since Wellsboro Electric’s supply rates might not be the lowest available, comparing supply rates can help you choose a plan that best fits your needs and budget.

If you are interested in hearing competitive supply rates offered by retailers in your area, contact SaveOnEnergy.com® today to speak with an energy representative and learn more.

When should you call Wellsboro Electric?

If the power goes out in your home or you notice a downed power line or pole in your neighborhood, notify the utility immediately. Even if you opt to purchase your electric supply from a separate retailer, your local utility will be your point of contact for all maintenance requests.

Keep the following information on hand or visit the utility’s website for more information:

  • Area served: Tioga County
  • Power outage number: 1-570-724-1798
  • Community involvement:Read here
  • News and safety:Read here

Updated: 5-6-20.

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