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Emporia energy monitoring: products, pricing, and reviews

Written by Caitlin Ritchie/

Edited by Hannah Hillson

Last updated 08/26/2022


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Emporia overview

Emporia offers smart home management products and services aimed to make energy tracking easier and more efficient. Founded in 2018, the company provides products including electric vehicle (EV) chargers, battery storage systems, home energy monitoring systems, and more. By monitoring and managing energy usage with Emporia’s products, consumers can lower their energy consumption and save on monthly electricity bills.

Emporia is accredited by the Better Business Bureau with an A+ rating. Several of Emporia’s products are certified by Energy Star and the company was named one of Newsweek’s Best Home & Garden Brands for 2022 in the smart energy and lighting category.

Emporia products and services

Check out our Emporia Energy product collection to save money and reduce your energy consumption. Use discount code “SAVEONENERGY” to save 5% on your purchase of Emporia products.

Emporia Energy Monitors

Emporia offers the second generation of its Vue Energy Monitor, which can monitor energy consumption in your home and help you understand where you are using the most electricity. The Vue can send notifications to your phone about how you can conserve energy and shift your usage patterns to off-peak hours. Through SaveOnEnergy, you can choose from several Vue Energy Monitor bundles depending on how many sensors you need. There is also a Vue bundle that includes a smart thermostat.

Emporia Battery Systems

Emporia’s Alpha-ESS Battery System allows you to store solar energy or power from the grid to power your home at a later time. Battery storage systems can be especially useful during power outages or times of high energy demand.

Emporia EV Chargers

If you own an electric vehicle, you can install an EV charger in your home. Emporia’s EV Charger is a level 2 charging station compatible with any EV on the market (an adapter is required for Tesla EVs, which is sold separately). Level 2 charging stations like this one reduce the amount of time it takes to charge an EV.

Emporia Smart Thermostats

Emporia offers the Emerson Sensi smart thermostat, which includes touch screen and wi-fi capabilities. This thermostat is ENERGY STAR-certified, meaning it meets set energy-saving requirements. According to Emporia, the Emerson Sensi thermostat lets consumers save about 23% of HVAC energy usage.

Emporia Smart Plugs

An Emporia Smart Plug enables you to monitor your energy consumption remotely and turn appliances or devices on or off from the Emporia App. Smart plugs can make it easier to lower the amount of electricity your devices and appliances use and help you reduce your monthly energy bills.

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Cost of Emporia energy monitors

Emporia Product Cost
Gen 2 Emporia Vue Energy Monitor $84.99
Gen 2 Emporia Vue with 8 Sensors $124.99
Gen 2 Emporia Vue with 16 Sensors $164.99
Gen 2 Vue with 16 Sensors and Sensi Bundle $279.99

Emporia vs. other home energy monitors

There are a variety of home energy monitors available that track energy usage and can help you lower your electricity costs. Emporia is one of the top brands available on the market. Here is a breakdown of how Emporia’s home energy monitor lines up with its competitors.

Energy monitorPriceFeatures
Emporia Vue Home Energy Monitor$84.99 – $279.99Real-time energy usage monitoring 

Bundle options available

Able to track solar energy & net metering 

Options for residential and commercial customers

Sense Home Energy Monitor$299Monitors energy usage by day, week, month, or billing cycle

Over time will recognize individual devices

Solar options available

Efergy Engage Energy Monitor$139.95Real-time energy usage tracking

Set consumption targets for the month and track progress

Able to track solar energy

Eyedro Home Energy Monitor$109 – $299Real-time energy tracking and historical data

Customizable with variety of sensor size options

Solar options available

FAQs about Emporia

  • Emporia is a home energy company that sells products including energy monitoring systems, home EV chargers, smart plugs, and battery storage systems. 

  • Emporia was founded in Littleton, Colorado in 2018 and was accredited by the Better Business Bureau in 2019. The company has operated across the U.S. for four years.

  • The Emporia Vue energy monitor is installed in the electrical panel of your home. Emporia offers an installation guide online and on the Emporia App for its energy monitor options. Read the step-by-step installation instructions carefully when installing the Vue.

  • The Emporia Vue home energy monitor costs between $84.99 – $279.99 depending on how many sensors you need and whether you choose the bundle option that includes the Sensi smart thermostat.

  • SaveOnEnergy is an independent energy marketplace that partners with top-tier home energy companies, including Emporia. SaveOnEnergy can help you find the best energy management products, including electricity tracking tools and EV chargers offered by Emporia. Visit the SaveOnEnergy catalog on Emporia’s website to learn more.

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