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Explore American Electric Power
American Electric Power – also known as AEP – is an electric utility company headquartered in Columbus, Ohio, that employs more than 17,000 workers and serves communities in 11 states. AEP generates about 30,000 megawatts, has approximately 40,000 miles of transmission lines and distributes power to more than 5 million customers in the U.S. The utility is making an impact in the community through initiatives such as the AEP Foundation, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) education and more. Also, it works to protect the environment through conservation programs, annual accountability reports and more.
Learn about the company’s history
AEP has a long history. More than 100 years ago, it began as an electric and gas utility with properties spanning from Illinois to areas near the Atlantic coast. The company sold many of these properties over the years, but managed to maintain a foothold in five of its original communities served: Canton and Bridgeport, Ohio; Marion and Muncie, Indiana; and Wheeling, West Virginia.
In 1911, AEP first connected two power plants in Indiana to increase reliability. From there, the company built more power plants and continued to find ways to improve efficiency. Also, it survived the Great Depression and continued to grow in the post-war economy. By the end of the 20th century, the company’s annual sales to retail customers exceeded 100 billion kilowatt-hours.