Texas New Mexico Power (TNMP)

Written by Sean Jackson /

Edited by Jamie Cesanek

Last updated 04/11/2024

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What is Texas-New Mexico Power?

Texas-New Mexico Power (TNMP) is an electric utility serving more than 270,000 residents and businesses in Texas. The company has been in business since 1935. 

If you live in TNMP’s service area, you’ll count on them to deliver electricity, respond to power outages, and maintain the electrical infrastructure. Learn more about the differences between a utility company and an electricity provider and how SaveOnEnergy can help you find the most accurate rates in your area.

Texas New Mexico Power electricity rates

Energy choice in Texas

Texas deregulated the electricity market in most of the state over 20 years ago. Because of this, customers can choose from competing electric providers instead of relying on the utility to manage accounts and provide billing services. 

Deregulation is designed to create a competitive market for energy providers in your area and allow you to take advantage of better pricing. The number of options can be overwhelming, but SaveOnEnergy can help you choose which provider is best for you.

If you’re moving to a deregulated city or simply want to change providers, you can find step-by-step information in our guide to switching electricity companies in Texas. You can also check out our energy buying guide for tips on getting the best deal for your electricity needs.

What’s the difference between an electricity provider and a utility company?

An energy provider sells electricity plans to customers and businesses in its service area. It also manages account details, like billing, meter readings, and energy usage stats. When you receive your energy bill, you’ll receive charges per kilowatt-hour (kWh) for your energy usage.

Meanwhile, a utility company — such as TNMP — delivers electricity to homes and businesses. It also responds to power outages and makes repairs to improve the infrastructure. You’ll notice utility transmission and delivery fees on your energy bill — which are charged by your local utility and depend on your location. That’s why you may have the same electric plan as your friend in the next town but pay different prices for service.

If you need assistance, SaveOnEnergy can help. We’ll help you compare rates from suppliers in your area to find the best plan fast. 

Which suppliers are available in Texas-New Mexico Power’s service area?

If you live in Texas-New Mexico Power Co.’s service area, TNMP will automatically deliver your power. However, you can choose your electric supplier. Here are a few of the companies that sell electricity plans in the TNMP service areas. For a more precise list, enter your ZIP code to determine which plans serve your address.

You can also use our filtering tools to find plans unique to your energy needs. If you want a green energy plan from renewable sources, click on the features tab to select green energy. We compile plans starting with the lowest prices so you can find the best options fast. 

Contact Texas-New Mexico Power

Your electric utility plays a vital role in delivering your power, even in a deregulated market. To report outages, find out more about your meter-reading schedule, or get a new line, contact Texas-New Mexico Power.

  • TNMP’s phone number is 1-888-866-7456 (select option 1 to report a Texas-New Mexico power outage).
  • Learn more about reporting outages here

For billing questions, contact your energy provider.

Ready to shop for an energy plan? Let’s get you taken care of. Call: 1 (855) 209-8145

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